Hunter Hydrawise Control System
Installing a Hunter Hydrawise allows you to control your irrigation system anywhere. Thanks to this day and age, a Wi-Fi powered system will give you access and control on-the-go. Core Landscape is a Hunter-certified Hydrawise contractor and offers installation of this high-end program to help ease the work needed to give your systems attention. The use of the Hunter Hydrawise Wi-Fi sprinkler controller system will alert us if any action is needed for your irrigation system. We will then be able to monitor and seasonally adjust your system remotely, without a site visit. This will make life much easier living in the Arizona desert. You will still receive that individual support needed in real-time from us if ever there are any alerts with your existing system.
Install this smart irrigation controller in Phoenix, AZ with Core Landscape and eliminate the need to actively manage your system in the future.

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